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Animal Health Products Consumption Analyses

CruCon Analytics Suite ® (CAS) provides "Plug-and-Play" Data Analyses of the consumption of Animal Health Products in Denmark since year 2008. In addition, we also offer analyzes of Fertiliser and Pesticide consumption in Denmark as from season 2013/14 onwards.

From 2017 we expect CAS will offer these Analyses on a Pan Nordic level. 


The Animal Health Products Analyses focuses on “the 4 channels of consumption” which are:

- The Manufacturing, The Pharmaceutical Corporation

- The Prescriptive, The DVM

- The Distributive, The Pharmacy/Distributor

- The Consuming, The Farmer/Herd

It applies for all channels that our analyses contains a large number of dimensions, such as time indication (year and month), market shares, geographic details, manufacturer, product and species classifications etc. 

CAS is offered as an Analysis Portfolio which consists of a number of reports (tables, charts, graphs etc.), from a minimum of 5, which are customized to meet the needs, demands and financial edges of our clients.

CAS is updated on a monthly basis and our client's can sign up for monthly or quarterly subscriptions.

Distributer/Pharmacy Dashboard analyzing consumption in amounts in 2016 in various dimensions.

Distributer/Pharmacy Dashboard analyzing market shares in a variety of dimensions over time. We have used other visualizations also with the option to use a fixed timeframe and make separate dimension selections on this period. An example could be analyzing Sales per Region and simultaneously having the option of showing which Market Channel fostered the sale (DVM, Distributer and Farmer/Herd). Finally, the Dashboard shows a number of “Selection Globals” such as totals in selected Years, Months, Sales etc. and a Trendline of the most recent 12 months.

Distributer/Pharmacy Dashboard analyzing consumption in amounts in 2016 in various dimensions.

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Manufacturer Dashboard analyzing consumption in amounts in 2016 in various dimensions.

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Manufacturer Dashboard analyzing consumption in amounts in 2016 in various dimensions.

Manufacturer Dashboard analyzing market shares in a variety of dimensions over time. An option is also to use a fixed timeframe and make separate dimension selections on this period. An example could be analyzing Sales per Region and simultaneously having the option of showing which Market Channel fostered the sale (DVM, Distributer and Farmer/Herd). Finally, the Dashboard shows a number of “Selection Globals” such as totals in selected Years, Months, Sales etc. and a Trendline of the most recent 12 months.

Consumption Scorecard in quantity and amounts pr. product and manufacturer in 2016 relative to 2015.

Consumption Scorecard analyzing a Top 10 Products and Top 10 Manufacturer list as per the selected period of time. The Scorecard allows a quantity calculation (left colums) and an amount calculation (right colums) at the same time.

Consumption Scorecard in quantity and amounts pr. product and manufacturer in 2016 relative to 2015.

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Consumption table pr. Veterinary Doctor/Clinic analyzing the years 2013 - 2016.

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Consumption table pr. Veterinary Doctor/Clinic analyzing the years 2013 – 2016.

Consumption table per DVM analyzing the quantity or amount of drugs prescribed by the individual DVM in the time period selected. This Analysis can be refined in a vast variety of ways and for example changed from an annual to a quarterly or monthly analysis.

Consumption table pr. Herd/Farmer analyzing the years 2014 – 2016.

Consumption table per Herd/Farmer analyzing the quantity or amount of drugs prescribed and consumed on a farm level in the time period selected. The tables in the Analysis shows the size, address and region of the farm but can of course also be refined in a vast variety of ways and for example changed from an annual to a quarterly or monthly analysis.

Consumption table pr. Herd/Farmer analyzing the years 2014 - 2016.

Click on image to resize.

Consumption Viz of 10 largest products, DVM’s descending order, - period 2014 – 2016.

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Consumption Viz of 10 largest products, DVM’s descending order, – period 2014 – 2016.

Consumption graph per DVM analyzing the quantity or amount of drugs prescribed by the individual DVM in the time period selected. This Analysis is showing the largest DVM’s in descending order for the 10-12 largest Products on the Danish market but can of course also be refined in a vast variety of ways and for example changed from an annual to a quarterly or monthly analysis.

Benchmarking two groups of a key dimension, – in this analysis; Pharma Manufacturers in 2016.

Benchmarking analysis describing the consumption development between selected data dimensions, in this example two manufacturers. The selected dimension count be any other, i.e. DVM, Product, Farmer, Province etc. The analysis can be refined in an almost indefinite way and the analysis unit changed from amounts to packages or units.

It’s all about Benchmarking and Transparency

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